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TradComics Reader App

Download the TradComics app to read offline. An account and internet connection enable more features but are not required. Supports .tcb files, our custom format that simulates print, and .cbz files, a popular format for comics that's a zip of images.

By downloading this app, you agree to the Terms of Service.

User Guide

1. Click this button, then click "Sign in with Google" to sign in to your account. Books you have purchased or added to your library will then appear.

2. Select a folder on your computer that contains books as .tcb files or .cbz files. After selecting the folder, book files in that folder will appear.

3. Refresh library. Press this button after purchasing a book, adding a book to your library, or downloading a book.

4. Click and drag to change the display size of book covers.

5. Display version number. You can click on the pop-up to open this website.

6. Enter fullscreen mode. You can exit fullscreen mode by clicking this button again, or by pressing F or F11 on your keyboard.

1. Return to your library.

2. Zoom out on the comic.

3. Zoom in on the comic. Books downloaded as high-resolution .tcb files allow for extreme zoom-in on printed detail. Books downloaded as .cbz files or as low-resolution .tcb files will look pixelated when zooming in.

4. Enter fullscreen mode. You can exit fullscreen mode by clicking this button again, or by pressing F or F11 on your keyboard.

5. Open the Options panel. Press this button again to close the Options panel. The following options are available:

6. Turn to the next page. When reading a left-to-right book, the page will turn from right to left. When reading a right-to-left book, the page will turn from left to right.

7. Turn to the previous page. When reading a left-to-right book, the page will turn from left to right. When reading a right-to-left book, the page will turn from right to left.

8. Place a bookmark on the current page. Bookmarks will appear above the page slider (9). Clicking the bookmark will jump to the bookmarked page. When signed in to your account, bookmarks will be synchronized across your devices for books downloaded from TradComics.

9. Click and drag to quickly page through the book.

10. Collapse the sidebar to the far-left side of the screen. After collapsing, click on the far-left side of the window to re-open the sidebar.

Keyboard shortcuts

F or F11: Toggle fullscreen mode.

H: Hide or unhide the sidebar.

-: Zoom out on comic.

+: Zoom in on comic.

0: Reset zoom and position of comic.

Ctrl+-: Shrink text, buttons, and comic.

Ctrl++: Enlarge text, buttons, and comic.

Ctrl+0: Reset size of text, buttons and comic.

PgUp: Move to top of page.

PgDn: Move to bottom of page.

Arrow keys: Navigate pages when zoomed in. When the edge of a page is visible, pressing the left or right arrow keys will turn the page.

Esc or Backspace: Return to the library menu.

Clearing local data

Files for this app are stored in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\TradComics (copy and paste this address into File Explorer to go to it). You can delete this folder, or individual files in this folder, to free up storage space. Deleting files in this folder may lose your settings and bookmarks on this computer. Deleted settings files will be automatically regenerated the next time you use this app.